How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Woonsocket, RI?

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Woonsocket, RI?

In 2006, as SpaceX launched its Falcon 1 rocket, an unforeseen fuel leak brought it down from the sky. The culprit? A few rusty nuts the engineers had failed to inspect earlier.

Inspections, whether for rockets or rentals, are essential. It's part of your responsibility as a landlord to know the current state of your property, both for your ROI and safety reasons. The question is, how often should you conduct rental property inspections in Woonsocket, RI?

In this guide, we take a look at the whole process of inspections.

How Often Should You Do Rental Property Inspections?

As a landlord, you have to maintain a solid landlord-tenant relationship. That means not being a nuisance by dropping by too often, such as once a month. Use good judgment and put yourself in your tenants' shoes.

Most would agree an inspection once every 6 months is the sweet spot. This assumes there are no issues and your tenants are more or less well-behaved.

When to Visit More Often

If you have reason to believe there is a problem, though, you may need to inspect more often. Reasons to drop by on a more frequent basis include:

  • Potential violation of the pet policy
  • Extra non-allowed tenants living there
  • Potential pest infestation
  • Suspicion of illegal activity

You may see this evidence either from tenant interactions or from their concerned neighbors.

If there's a risk of property damage or breaking the lease, you should drop by for additional inspections. This is your ROI at stake!

Laws Concerning Rental Property Inspections

Of course, there is some legislation you should be aware of before you drop by. Entry without notice is a big no-no unless you have an authorized reason like an emergency or a court order.

According to Rhode Island law, you must give a tenant two days of advance notice and full tenant consent. Further, you must have an acceptable reason for coming. Reasons such as the following are permissible:

  • Handling repairs or maintenance
  • Inspecting for potential property damage
  • Touring new prospective tenants and buyers

You can't go at any time, either. These must be "reasonable hours." Avoid visiting early in the morning or late at night.

Hiring a property management company can help. They'll tackle inspections and maintenance so you don't have to.

Things to Avoid

If a tenant refuses to let you visit, you don't get carte blanche to waltz in. You'll need a court order. The only thing you can do until then is terminate their lease and issue an eviction order.

If you do enter without permission, the tenant can take you to court. At the very least, they can get a court order that protects them from you. Tread carefully!

Get Property Management from PMI

Rental property inspections keep a finger on the pulse of your property. Conduct them approximately twice a year, more often if you suspect something is awry. Know the rules of engagement; Rhode Island law is strict about how, when, and why you conduct inspections.

PMI Ocean State helps you make the most from your Woonsocket rental properties. We'll handle your maintenance, rent collection, and everything in between. Get a free rental analysis today.
